Friday, April 14, 2017

Happy Gotcha Day Jimmy!

Tuesday was Jimmys Gotcha Day, its been 15 years since he joined us and started the Loudamericans.   I thought I'd pull a few flash back posts to see if he's changed (spoiler alert, he hasn't...)

So it is hard to believe our 'little' Jimmy came home 9 years ago and has not stop growing, eating, talking and providing us love, joy and happiness everyday. His inquisitive mind is swirling with questions, insight and observation and his heart is full, of determination, commitment and care for his friends and love for his family.

Its true, he hasn't stopped growing (he's 6'1", in a size 13 shoe and well on his way to 200lbs), eating (he told me today "I'm always hungry Mom", talking (non-stop on FaceTime, in fact last night we had to shut down the conversation at 11:30pm) and proving us love, joy and happiness (he is a good kid, funny, has his priorities straight and takes sports and school seriously).

However, he is 15 and this year brought ...
~ blond flow (i.e.: hair)
~ a weight lifting regime for football
~ a harmonica (to play Billy Joel's piano man)
~ a girlfriend
~ a break up
~ a reconciliation (Kay and I are warning him against making the same mistake twice but its his life...)
~ a drivers permit
~ some serious cool new videos on his youtube channel (jimmy murphy films)
~ an invitation to play in a band that travels to Europe over the summer (not sure we are doing this..)

But, he still loves ...
~ Korean Food (Tom made a special dinner for his Gotcha Day)
~ Ham ( the kids is a ham fanfic)
~ Oranges
~ Sports (the playoffs this year were intense for March Madness and the Super Bowl)
~ The Ocean (our trip to Costa Rica in December was amazing for him, just his type of waves but he wishes it had been colder, like say ... Lake Michigan)

He is a smart, committed and caring kid. He can also be stubborn, pig headed, short sighted and a world class 'douchebag' (his word, not ours).  But, we love him to the moon and back.

Love you Jimmy!!

His new equipment 

hard to see but a sense of his size


pork bone soup

monad, chicken wings

the full meal with rice and kimchi

Kay is hiding behind Jimmy and trying to tickle him, she didnt want to be in the photo

My boys

Now for throw back pictures.... 

ShinBee - our favorite

new hair cut




new threads and new cut

sound asleep

Oh yeah...


The tallest and the smallest cousins