Wednesday, March 13, 2013

You must be Jimmy's Parent's

This week is March Break and with that upon us last week was filled with getting our act together for March Break.

The schools here tend to have some type of fanfare before each of the breaks and for the most part the events are explained to the students with the understanding that the student will inform their parents of what is happening at school, right. So it came as no surprise when Jimmy came home last week and announced that there was an all school assembly and that some of the kids in the school received awards. Jim won the Health and Physical Education Award which is no real shock. So when we asked him about the assembly and why we did not know there was going to be one he replied Oh, I forgot, to which I through the baloney flag! The reason he didn't mention anything about this is because he was not sure of he was going to get an award and didn't want us around! So when further quarried about what the other awards were, it was revealed they were mostly academic in nature, Honor Roll, Science, Math and the like you know the things as a parent you want you kid to excel in, not that the physical education is not important, don't get me wrong! So apparently you could win more than 1 award however with further in depth interviewing ( pulling teeth) it was revealed that only 1 girl and 1 boy from each class won the Health and  Physical Education Award, that was awesome. When we ask Jimmy about getting another award in like say, Math or Science he said " Hey don't ruin my moment at least I won an award!" Convicted, no never convicted!
Keep up the good work Jimmy!

Kay has been gearing up for her first competitive gymnastics event coming in early May. She has spent most of the past few weeks bending over backwards, walking on her hands twirling and contorting in ways that make my head hurt. She has been doing great at school  but for the past few days has been focused on her up coming Spring Break camp, which is a week long cooking camp for kids. She came to visit Tom at cooking school and was so inspired she wrote this recipe:
Family Pie:
1 cup caring, 2 cups kindness, 4 cups forgiveness, 1/3 cup honesty, 1 cup teamwork, fairness and intelligence.
Whisk ingredients together in a bowl and pour into 2 pies pans.
Bake in the oven at 400 degrees until a yellow color forms.
Let stand.
Sprinkle on honesty, fairness and intelligence berries. Serve with empathy whipped cream and taste the fairness and forgiveness.

Not sure what she did, or what she is telling us either way a very insightful recipe!

Ol' Bill continues on his merry way, with his dog, firm grasp on his Lego's and not a care on the world, Oh to be able to get up each day and honestly ask, what day is today? Do I have anything? How many days till I get my next Lego magazine? In that vain Bill and i headed off to the flight simulator, one of Billy's Christmas presents. I hour in the cockpit flying a plane, too cool. He decided he would be the pilot and I would be the co-pilot, so after about 2 minutes of instructions we took off and promptly crashed, not a good beginning. Bill powered up the engines and we were off and a couple of tense moments we were airborne and heading toward the airport and to make a landing, which we did not do! Alas Bill was not swayed and we were off again as co-pilot i said to the Pilot, Let,s try to land this time to which the Pilot responded " Good Plan" and sure enough we did. The whole experience was awesome and the time flew by, pun intended, and Billy and I had a blast.
As soon as we were in the car  on the way home Billy wanted to know how many days till we can do this again! Billy and his class won the Dance a Thon competition this year and were rewarded with a Pizza party and Billy was ecstatic!

Tom and Tracy are a bit worried about this new class Tom is in at school titled, Brunch below you will see why:

I was getting ready too head off to the gym because of the aformentioned class and worries when the door bell rang. There was some random stranger standing there all dressed up and she handed me her business card stating she was in realestate and wanted to let me know that if I was planning on moving anytime soon to give her a call. I politely responded that we are not the home owners and are just living here on a temporary basis, which did not deter her. She said no worries she lived in the neighborhood and when we were ready to buy to let her know. I then went into the elevator speech I keep handy for these situations, telling her that we are here for my wife's job and then would be returning back to the US. She responded where in the US are you from, and I replied, Minnesota to which she said: " Oh,then you must be Jimmy's parents!"

Next up March Break........