Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sue and Nickelodeon Universe

For any of you that know us, you know our Aunt Sue. She is the aunt that visits us in India (TWICE), watches the kids for Tom and my occassional adult weekend away, reads to our kids non stop and is willing to go on ANY ride the kids ask. She's a godsend and she spent 4 days with us last week:)

Last week was parent teacher conferences for us and spring break from preschool for Sue. She arrived late on Wednesday, just in time to help me usher the kids into the car and off to church.

Thursday was an exciting day, including a play date with Caden & Wyatt and dinner with our ex-expat family friends - Caden Wyatt Angela Wade Chandra Grayce and Owen. It was cool to reconnect with our Indian "family" while Sue was in town as she had gotten to know that pretty well during her visits.

We also had teacher conferences and they went well. We were warned that if Kay is ever not at school when Tom goes to pick her up, its because her teacher kidnapped her. She is doing great in class, asserting herself and right in the middle of everything. She does need to work a little on neatness and reading, but her math and art skills are par none. In fact, when asked to do a simple subtraction problem that equaled 1, she chose 17 minus 16. All the other kids chose 5 minus 4 or 2 minus 1. That' s our Kay...

Jimmy's teacher also had great things to say about him. He is reading above his grade level and has made friends with everyone. He is fitting right in and asks a ton of questions like:
When did Benjamin Franklin & his friends die? He needs to work on focusing during quiet time (stop talking) eating his lunch (stop talking) and subtraction (maybe he can get a lesson from Kay). They have both adjusted well and are fitting right in.

BUT, all this good school news aside ...Friday was the BIG DAY. Nickelodeon Universe. This is the amusement park inside Mall of America. You buy a wristband for an exorbadent price and can ride all day. The kids were in heaven, Tom and I fought off car sickness all day and Sue rode which ever ride they wanted. We even ate lunch at McDonalds. Does it get any better than this???

Billy "driving" his own bumper car. I truly think his whole world expanded in that 5 minute period. Our chances of steering him off the race car career path are now effectively 0.

Kay found this "likeness" of her in giant size. Just what we need a giant Kay. Ok, just kidding, its Dora the Explorer but the resemblance is uncanny.

This ride was not a hit. The haunted mansion created angst has hitting the targets with the laser gun is harder than it looks. Oh well, off to better rides.....

The barnyard rollercoaster was "the best" "awesome" "incredible". The kids had their hands in the air and were screaming the whole time.

The day ended with pasta, popcorn and ice cream sandwiches during a movie night with Sue "only". Mom and Dad got a date night out. Perfect!
Saturday was another whirl wind of play dates, tennis and dinner with Leona, Bob, Shinbee, Suni and Paul (ShinBee's grandma and grandpa). We had a traditional thanksgiving dinner (who says you can only be thankful on thanksgiving) and real pumpkin pie. The only bummer was our friend Sandy was too sick to join us.
Sunday was the apex of the excitement. Everyone calling for last minute updates on Sue's departure and if they could see her "real quick" before she left. We had Tim, Patrick and Jim over for lunch and a tour of T/B's house. Their house was the inspiration for our remodel and I have to say, mine still comes up short (by a lot). Jim even announced "this is the house I want to die in" which sort of freaked us all out as thats what you usually say about your own house, not your friends house.
We gave Sue big hugs and sent her on a safe trip back to Green Bay. We were all exhausted but had a fantastic weekend thanks to her visit.
We love you Sue!!